I Truly Believe 90% Of The Products In The IM Industry Are Created By Freaking


They're based on nothing else but whack job theory!

From the desk of Ben Fletcher:

Southampton, UK.

You already know full well many internet marketing products are theoretical trash bordering on outright garbage…

Flakey ideas that are lumped together just so for the sake of a product launch, to make the whack job seller (in most cases) some quick cash...

Usually before their electric gets cut off or their car gets towed by the tax man.

Because between you and me...

...most haven't got a pot to piddle in or a window to chuck it out of!

I've sat in so called "masterminds" 2 foot away from some of the 'biggest' names in this industry with a pen in my mouth twiddling it.

Just sitting there, staring in sheer bewilderment wondering how the heck some of them are even legally in business...

Let alone making anywhere near the kind of money they claim.

I’m not stupid and neither are you...

We both see it day in and day out and the WORST thing of all… They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

You can practically smell the desperation in their headlines and sales pages...

Vague ideas that might just about make back the $10 bucks you (nervously) forked over for the wretched thing in the first place...and that's if you're REALLY lucky.

Then to really put the boot in... 

Any optimism you might have even *slightly* had, gets completely shattered when it inevitably stops working and all falls apart.

Grotesquely, these products are in the high 90% of any given marketplace online, shamelessly punted around left, right & centre.

And they're just the ones you can see in plain sight.

I'm just scratching the surface here, they're next to useless.

A complete waste of your time and energy.

But lucky for you...

You're in the right place at the right time because I have something different

My ‘Onepreneur’ Newsletter

In my Private Newsletter I'll share strategies that actually WORK.

Things that are worth your time and attention.

We're talking actual REAL case studies of how ordinary people earn spendable money (figures included) with their ONE-MAN online businesses.

I mean look...
I run my ENTIRE SIX-FIGURE biz from this pokey little office:

Fact is, you'll learn more from my Private Newsletter than you ever will buying trash product after trash product…

…or following crap strategies the IM industry is filled with that 'might' work...

(but let's be honest, they probably won’t!)

My point is....

There's no theory in my Private Newsletter - all the strategies are proven to work and can be replicated with a little work.

Now here’s the thing…

Not all of these methods and strategies will be perfect for you, but if just ONE is, it could change your life.

Or alternatively you could use them to build up a series of mini income streams that are interesting and fun to operate.

Truth be told, the methods you'll read about month after month are some of the most interesting and least known that you'll ever come across.

You simply can't find this information anywhere else I promise you.

I'll reveal behind-the-scenes marketers who have put their own spin on an existing idea and are quietly making a killing with it.

In some cases…FORTUNES.

...Or the average 'Joe' who found a way to earn a five figure recurring income from doing something so simple that no one else thought to try it.

In my Private Newsletter you're going to come across information that will quite literally FORCE you to think differently about your online business, in ways you have very likely never considered before.

It'll open your eyes and 'peal back the curtain' on what is truly possible just working from home.

Sure, you'll have to put some work in but when you see the results other people just like yourself are having, I think you'll agree that's a small price to pay...

...and I'm not talking about manual labour like digging ditches here either!

Here's A Taster Of Upcoming Issues:

(In no particular order)

How to rake in $18,000 a month selling a SINGLE info product to different niche markets.
How to get money by recognising and utilising resources and assets when you see them…and without ever owning them! (this is how millionaires really make their money)
How to become so good at marketing that you won’t need anything else - ever!
How to DOUBLE your affiliate commissions 'preselling' with email!
How to make $4,214 a month from downloadable Cheat Sheets!
How to tickle your productivity by using pockets of "awkward" time we all have...Perfect for busy people!
How to brand yourself an expert by writing a book…and make $3,487 a month WHILE you’re doing it!
Testing is for idiots - Why you SHOULDN'T always test despite what the goo-roos tell you.
How to double your affiliate income by selling LESS! (Everybody should know about this)
How to pay an outsourcer $500 and pocket yourself a quick $1,000 from the deal!
The BIG elephant in the room 'dare-to-discuss' problem with going full-time online - knowing this alone, will give you a huge head-start over those who don't!
How to make BIG profits from LITTLE products you don't appear to be selling!
$2,229 a month from an automated email follow up campaign in ANY niche! (best thing..this takes about 30 minutes to set up)

...and much, much more!

In the words of legendry underlord marketing Supremo, Ben Settle:

“Newsletters should be like a woman’s skirt...

Long enough to cover the details, but short enough to keep you interested.” - Ben Settle

That's why I've very deliberately designed each newsletter to be an extremely easy yet revealing read...

...6 or 7 pages MAX.

I say 'revealing' because despite their short length, within the pages of each one you'll find some of the most closely guarded secrets and insights along with genuinely bankable strategies you will ever find ANYWHERE. Period.

At this point you may be thinking...

this sounds expensive..."

Here's the thing...

Luckily, you’re in the right place at the right time as I've only just opened this up to new customers and subscribers for the first time...

So if you want access to these punchy newsletters...

For a limited time only and as a market test, I’ll give you not one but TWO issues of my 'Onepreneur' newsletter for just $1 on a trial basis as a charter member!...

If you like it, you’ll be automatically billed $97 in 7 days and you’ll receive 2x Issues per month, every month for the next 12 months.

That’s just $97 for 24 newsletter issues full of extremely bankable strategies and insights you can deploy in your online business for the entire year.

You won’t be billed again for 12 months.

As I write this, $97 seems a bit too cheap for 12 months access but as I said, I’m testing response.

Become a charter member TODAY and get your trial issues...

Secure Order

I'll probably DOUBLE the price later, but if you get in now as a charter member I'll grandfather you in at the current price you see on this page.

Quite frankly, I'm almost ripping myself off and this offer definitely won't hang around forever.

Come back tomorrow and it might have doubled or even tripled, but right now all I know is this is a steal of a deal.

After receiving your trial issues and you really don’t see the value, just send me a quick email to support@epcfire.com within 7 days and I’ll cancel your charge. No questions asked.

However, if you’re smart and you see the enormous value and you decide to keep your annual subscription, you do not need to do anything. 

Newsletters will be sent out via email 2x per month. Typically 14 days apart.


Is this A.I / ChatGPT Content?

No. Absolutely not. This has been written by the hand of a real human being. ChatGPT (or any robot) would have no way of knowing about any of the insights, strategies and business models I'll be sharing with you.

Will I Be Billed Every Month?

No. As a charter member, you can get in NOW for just $1 then after the 7 day trial it's just $97 for an entire year's access to this Newsletter.

Can I Cancel If I Don't See The Value?

Yes, of course. If within the 7 day trial period and in the highly unlikely event you're not satisfied, you CAN cancel. 

Just send an email to support@epcfire.com.

However, if you do not cancel within the 7 day trial and you (smartly) decide to keep it, you'll automatically be billed the incredibly low price of just $97 for an entire year's access to the Newsletter. 

Just one of the strategies or insights I share could potentially pay for it many times over.

How Is It Delivered and How Often?

The newsletter is delivered via email every 14 days. 2x per month.

What Sort Of Topics Are Covered?

Various money making strategies & insights for anyone running (or intending to run) an Internet Marketing business online from home. It's especially useful for 'one-person' type home businesses. 

How Long Are These Newsletters?

I've very deliberately designed each newsletter to be an easy read...6 or 7 pages MAX. 

But like I've said, you'll be privvy to some of the most closely guarded secrets, insights and bankable strategies you will ever find ANYWHERE. Period.

What's the 'catch'?

There isn't one. You'll either love it or hate it. 

Try it and see, you won't be disappointed!!

Copyright © www.Onepreneur.biz


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